Laboratory of Physics
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Laboratory of Physics

Tržaška 25,
1000 Ljubljana

Tel.: (01) 476 88 25
Tel.: (01) 476 88 26
Tel.: (01) 476 82 35
Tel.: (01) 476 84 13
Fax: (01) 476 88 50

Experimental equipment


Together with the colleagues from the Institute J. Stefan and University Clinical Centre Ljubljana we obtained an EU patent No. EP4049690 (B1): Method for treatment of medical metals and their alloys (authors: I. Junkar, M. Benčina, R. Zaplotnik, S. Sodin-Šemrl, K. lakota, A. Iglič). Link.

Aleš Iglič was awarded a Certificate of Recognition by the American Physical Society for being an Outstanding Referee for the Physical Review Journals Certificate.

Revija Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (IF=11.2) je objavila članek: R. K. Sadhu, M. Luciano, W. Xi, C. Martinez-Torres, M. Schröder, C. Blum, M. Tarantola, S. Villa, S. Penič, A. Iglič, C. Beta, O. Steinbock, E. Bodenschatz, B. Ladoux, S. Gabriele, Nir S. Gov: A minimal physical model for curvotaxis driven by curved protein complexes at the cell's leading edge. PNAS, 121 (12): e2306818121, 2024. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2306818121, spletna stran, prispevek v Delu, link na predavanje na CNR_IBBR Napoli pri katerem sta sodelovala tudi dva člana našega laboratorija.

Revija ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF=9.5) je objavila članek: Nanoscale topography of anodic TiO2 nanostructures is crucial for cell-surface interactions, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16 (4): 4430–4438, 2024, pri katerem sta z elektrostatskimi izračuni (Figs. 6, 7) sodelovala tudi dva člana našega laboratorija. PDF in spletna stran.

Tednik REPORTER je dne 11. septembra 2023 objavil članek o naši sodelavki prof. dr. Veroniki Kralj-Iglič in njeni družini PDF članka.

Prestižna revija Nature Communications je objavila članek z naslovom “Experimental and theoretical model for the origin of coiling of cellular protrusions around fibers” (Nat. Commun. vol. 14: 5612, 2023) pri katerem sta sodelovala člana Fakultete za elektrotehniko doc. dr. Samo Penič in prof. dr. Aleš Iglič. Povezava do novice. Prispevek v Delu.

Član Laboratorija za fiziko prof. ddr. Aleš Iglič je bil izvoljen za izrednega člana Inženirske akademije Slovenije (IAS) Povezava do novice. Povezava do članka v Delu.

Prestižna revija Advanced Materials (IF=32) je objavila članek z naslovom "Curvature in Biological Systems: Its Quantification, Emergence, and Implications across the Scales" (Adv. Mater. 35: 2206110, 2023) pri katerem je sodeloval član našega laboratorija prof. Aleš Iglič. Povezava do članka. Povezava do spletne strani.

Član Laboratorija za fiziko Dr. Szymon Starzonek je kot vodilni avtor objavil članek z naslovom "New scaling paradigm for dynamics in glass-forming systems" v reviji Progress in Materials Science, ki ima faktor vpliva 48.165. Povezava do novice.

Objavljena je bila kritika knjige Poklon življenjski radosti, Ob 100-letnici rojstva Nika Kralja, čanice našega laboratorija prof. dr. Veronike Kralj-Iglič. Povezava do kritike.

Člana našega laboratorija prof. dr. Veronika Kralj-Iglič in prof. ddr. Aleš Iglič sta v decembru 2021 prejela Zoisovo priznanje Republike Slovenije za dosežke na področju fizike bioloških in anorganskih nanostuktur. Opravila sta opravila pionirsko delo na področju klinične biofizike ter z eksperimentalnimi, teoretičnimi in kliničnimi raziskavami na področju bioloških membran, membranskih nanostruktur, zunajceličnih veziklov ter anorganskih nanostruktur bistveno prispevala k poglobljenemu razumevanju mehanizmov delovanja celic in medceličnega komuniciranja. Čestitamo! Povezave: Predstavitveni video s podelitve, Zoisovi nagrajenci 2021 (, Kdo so nagrajenci za izjemne dosežke v znanosti? (, Znani prejemniki Zoisove in Puhove nagrade za življenjsko delo ( in Žlahtne nagrade vrhunskim znanstvenicam (časnik Delo)

Science meets music: a composition for the 45th FEBS Congress. In the following Q and A, Veronika Kralj-Iglič tells us how science and music overlap in her life, and explains the background to the composition. Link to site and video

The members of our laboratory published in Eur. Phys. J. Plus an article devoted to study the basic physical principles of cell movement and adhesion. The work was done in collaboration with Weizmann Institute of Science from Israel: EPJ Plus Highlight - A deeper understanding of how cells move and stick together.

Here are also the links to movie 1 and movie 2, showing the simulations of motility.

Intervju s prof. dr. Veroniko Kralj-Iglič na podkastu "Finding Genius Podcast" o izvenceličnih veziklih Več o tem.

Our laboratory is a partner on the European project funded by the Fet-Open call of Horizon 2020 Programme. Title of the project Ves4us: Extracellular vesicles from a natural source for tailor-made nanomaterials. See also press release, project summary, Twitter and LinkedIn.


Nanostructures in Biological Systems: Theory and Applications. Authors: Aleš Iglič, Veronika Kralj-Iglič, Damjana Drobne, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., 2015. [PDF]

Socratic lectures:
Proceedings 2nd Socratic Lectures 2019D
Proceedings 3rd Socratic Lectures 2020A
Proceedings 4th Socratic Lectures 2020D
Proceedings 5th Socratic Lectures 2021A
Proceedings 6th Socratic Lectures 2021D
Proceedings 7th Socratic Lectures 2022D
Proceedings 8th Socratic Lectures 2023 Part I


Selected publications

R. K. Kumar Sadhu, C. Hernandez-Padilla, Y.E. Eisenbach, S. Penič, L. Zhang, H.D. Vishwasrao, B. Behkam, K. Konstantopoulos, H. Shroff, A. Iglič, E. Peles, A. S. Nain, N. S. Gov: Experimental and theoretical model for the origin of coiling of cellular protrusions around fibers. Nature Communications 14: 5612, 2023.

L. Mesarec, W. Góźdź, V. Kralj-Iglič, S. Kralj, A. Iglič: Coupling of nematic in-plane orientational ordering and equilibrium shapes of closed flexible nematic shells. Scientific Reports 13:10663, 2023.

Ž. Pandur, S. Penič, A. Iglič, V. Kralj-Iglič, D. Stopar, M. Drab: Surfactin molecules with a cone-like structure promote the formation of membrane domains with negative spontaneous curvature and induce membrane invaginations. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 650(B): 1193-1200, 2023.

R. Kumar Sadhu, S. R. Barger, S. Penič, A. Iglič, M. Krendel, N.C. Gauthiere, N.S. Gov: A theoretical model of efficient phagocytosis driven by curved membrane proteins and active cytoskeleton forces. Soft Matter 19, 31-43, 2023.

V. Kralj-Iglič, G. Pocsfalvi, L. Mesarec, V. Šuštar, H. Hagerstrand, A. Iglič: Minimizing isotropic and deviatoric membrane energy – an unifying formation mechanism of different cellular membrane nanovesicle types. PLOS ONE: 15(12): e0244796, 2021. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244796.

B.R. Graziano, J. P. Town, E. Sitarska, T. L. Nagy, M. Fošnarič, S. Penič, A. Iglič, V. Kralj-Iglič, N.S. Gov, A. Diz-Munoz, O.D. Weiner: Cell confinement reveals a branched-actin independent circuit for neutrophil polarity, PLOS Biol., 17(10): e3000457, 2019.

A.V. Dubtsov, S.V. Pasechnik, D.V. Shmeliova, A.Sh. Saidgaziev, E. Gongadze, A. Iglič, S. Kralj: Liquid Crystalline Droplets in Aqueous Environment: Electrostatic Effects, Soft Matter, 14(47): 9619-9630, 2018.

R. Imani, R. Dillert, D.W. Bahnemann, M. Pazoki, T. Apih, V. Kononenko, N. Repar, V. Kralj-Iglič, G. Boschloo, D. Drobne, T. Edvinsson, A. Iglič: Multi functional Gadolinium-Doped Mesoporous TiO2 Microbeads: A potential for cancer diagnosis and treatment, Small, 1700349, 2017.

M. Kulkarni, A. Mazare, J. Park, E. Gongadze, M.S. Killian, S. Kralj, K. von der Marke, A. Iglič, P. Schmuki: Protein interactions with layers of TiO2 nanotube and nanopore arrays: morphology and surface charge influence, Acta Biomaterialia, 45: 357–366, 2016.

M. Kulkarni, Y. Patil-Sen, I. Junkar, C. V. Kulkarni, M. Lorenzetti, A. Iglič: Wettability studies of topologically distinct titanium surfaces, Coll. Surf. B: Biointerfaces, 129: 47–53, 2015.

E. Gongadze, A. Iglič: Asymmetric size of ions and orientational ordering of water dipoles in electric double layer model in an analytical mean-field approach, Electrochim. Acta, 178: 541–545, 2015.

Perutkova Š., Daniel M., Rappolt M., Pabst G., Dolinar G.,Kralj-Iglič V., Iglič A.: Elastic deformations in hexagonal phases studied by small angle X-ray diffractionand simulations, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13: 3100–3107, 2011.

Gongadze E., Kabaso D., Bauer S., Slivnik T., Schmuki P., van Rienen U., Iglič A.: Adhesion of osteoblasts to a nanorough titanium implant surface, Int. J. Nanomed., 6: 1801-1816, 2011.

Veranič P., Lokar M., Schuetz G.J., Weghuber J., Wieser S., Hagerstrand H., Kralj-Iglič V., Iglič.: Different types of cell-to-cell connections mediated by nanotubular structures, Biophys J., 95: 4416-4425, 2008.

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