Dr. Doron Kabaso, Postdoctoral fellow
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of
Electrical Engineering
Trzaska 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 1 4268 826, +972 547 876 857 , +972 544 767 146
+386 1 4268 850 (secretary)
E-mail: doron.kabaso@fe.uni-lj.si
1996-1998 The Open University of Israel, Physics and Mathematics
1998-2001 B.Sc. Dept. of Biotechnology and food engineering, at Technion, Haifa, Israel
2001-2002 M.Sc. Theoretical Medical Physics, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY, NY. Graduate level mathematic courses were taken at the Courant institute at NYU.
2003-2007 Ph.D. Structural Biology, Dept. of Mathematics, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY. Advisor: Prof. Susan Wearne
and Professional Experience:
2010 Postdoctoral fellow, Laboratory of Biophysics (head: Prof. Aleš Iglič), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
2008-2010 Postdoctoral fellow (at Dr. Nir Gov laboratory), Dept. of Physical Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science
2001-2007 Doctoral fellow, Dept. of Biomathematics, Mount Sinai School of medicine, New York, NY.
2001 Teaching assistant – Dept Yanshuf College Tel-Aviv, Israel
Scientific Publications
1. Kabaso, D., Shlomovitz, R., Auth, T., Virgilio, L.L. and Gov,
N.S. Local red blood cell shape dynamics driven by cytoskeletal organization,
Biopysical Journal 99, 808-816 (2010))
2. Kabaso D., Henry B. I., Hof P. R., Wearne S. L. Electrotonic Structure
is Significantly Altered with Age in Neurons contributing to Prefrontal
Cortical Circuits in Macaque Monkeys (Cerebral Cortex, 2008).
3. Dickstein, D.L., Kabaso, D., Rocher, A.B., Luebke, J.I., Wearne S.L., Hof P.R. Changes in the structural complexity of the aged brain.. Aging Cell (2007).
4. Rothnie P., Kabaso D., Hof P. R., Henry B. I., Wearne S. L. Functionally
relevant measures of spatial complexity in neuronal dendritic arbors.
Journal of Theoretical Biology (2006).
5. E. Gongadze, D. Kabaso, S. Bauer, T. Slivnik, P. Schmuki, U. van Rienen,
A. Iglic. Adhesion of osteoblasts to nanorough implant titanium surface,
>International Jouranl of Nanomedicine (in print) (2011).
6. D. Kabaso, R. Shlomovitz, K. Schloen, T. Stradal, and N.S. Gov. Theoretical
model for cellular shape transitions driven by protrusive and adhesive forces.
>Plos Computatioanl Biology 7(5):e1001127 (2011).
7. D. Kabaso, M. Lokar, V. Kralj-Iglic, P. Veranic, A. Iglic. Temperature,
cholera toxin-B and degree of malignant transformation are factors that inuence
formation of membrane nanotubes in urothelial cancer cell lines. >International
Jouranl of Nanomedicine 6:495-509 (2011).
8. D. Kabaso, E. Gongadze, P. Elter, K. U. van Rienen, J. Gimsa, A. Iglic.
Attachment of rod-like (BAR) and membrane shape, >Mini-Reviews in Medicinal
Chemistry 11(4):272-82 (2011).
9. D. Kabaso, A. Iglic. Exploring the binding dynamics of BAR proteins >
Cell Mol. Biol. Lett, 16: 398-411 (2011).
10. D. Kabaso, E. Gongadze, S. Perutkova, V. Kralj-Iglic, C. Matschegewski,
U. Beck, K. U. van Rienen, A. Iglic. Mechanics and electrostatics of the
interactions between osteoblasts and titanium surface. >Computer Methods
in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 14, 469-482 (2011).